
An little overview of some of the beautiful projects I’ve worked on with love as a freelancer.

You can find more testimonials on the homepage.

Escape Fake

Escape Fake is an investigation game that raises awareness about fake news. Assume the role of a trainee at a major newspaper and scour the Internet to verify the information you are given.

I supported Report’Cité, the French association that created the project, to set up a relevant game, accessible to all, used in hundreds secondary schools in France.

Play Escape Fake (in French)


  • support with the game design
  • creation of a high-performance web application using Preact (Lighthouse performance scoring: 100/100)
  • compliance with accessibility rules: the game is accessible to anyone (regardless of their disability), thanks to specific technical development in the application and the production team’s awareness of accessibility (design, content)
  • multiple test sessions organized with secondary school students

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Flâneurs is a high-end men’s clothing store in Rennes, France. I helped the owner, Peter, bring out the new version of his Prestashop website to make it faster, more ergonomic, and above all to highlight the key elements: clothes.

Go window-shopping on (in French)


  • significant improvement of the shopping experience on computers, and especially on mobiles, through multiple bug fixes and changes to ergonomics in user interface
  • creation of content writing tools enabling the team to greatly enhance the user experience and the editorial part of the website
  • size of the website static files divided by 3, resulting in a greener site that loads much faster, particularly on mobile devices (images, CSS, JS)
  • numerous discussions with the team to raise awareness about user experience issues while considering their needs

Peter Houzard, owner of Flâneurs

We’re delighted with our first collaboration with Emmanuel.

The redesign of our online sales site was a major challenge for our business, and we wanted to find the right person before taking the plunge.

He showed us how to put our ideas into shape, while finding the best technical solutions to adapt to the constraints of PrestaShop.

We took a giant step forward to improve the ergonomics without upsetting customers used to the old version of the site.

His expertise in accessibility was an added bonus for our project.

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Jitsi Meet

Jitsi Meet is the open-source video conferencing software, coded in React. It is to Zoom what LibreOffice is to Microsoft Word. It is widely used in French public universities. I was commissioned to make the software accessible to everyone.

I worked directly on the code of this open-source software by collaborating with the product team via GitHub.

Learn more about Jitsi


  • work spread over more than 50 commits on this open-source project that has almost 8,000 pull requests and 100 contributors
  • significant improvement of the usability of Jitsi for people with visual or cognitive impairments, by complying with the WCAG, the international accessibility recommendations, in React
  • adaptation to the project’s technical rules, addition of automated tests

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France Université Numérique

France Université Numérique (FUN) is a public interest group that pushes for improving digital services in education.

I supported FUN in the long term in making their free online courses website more accessible.

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  • RGAA audit (General Accessibility Improvement Reference Framework, the French reference framework following WCAG) on graphic mock-ups, prior to technical production
  • work on to make the website compliant with RGAA rules, through technical contributions in a Django and React stack
  • documentation writing, regular discussions about pull requests to upskill the most committed project contributors

Samuel Paccoud, CTO at FUN

It’s a pleasure to work with Emmanuel, both for his professionalism and his expertise in accessibility topics.

Unlike other non-developer accessibility auditors, Emmanuel was able to make direct contributions to the ReactJS code on our websites and solve accessibility issues in the best way, thanks to its expertise. Another advantage is that our developers can improve their skills by looking at his contributions.

This is a great working method that you want to entrust Emmanuel with if you want to make your website WCAG-compliant.

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Clients and business partners

Ageval, vivez la qualité !Apimani, routines durablesBadminton Angers ClubCodeKraft, more than codeDirection interministérielle du numériqueEmpreinte DigitaleEvoludFlâneursFrance Université Numérique, se former en libertéGristLabel VerteLa Suite numériqueMy Digital SchoolReport' Cité, éducation aux médias