This website is accessible, fast and sustainable


This website is 100% compliant with the recommendations of the RGAA frame, the French equivalent of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

In practical terms, this means, for example, that if you have decreased ability to see differences in colors, if you are unable to use a mouse or if you use an audio screen reader to navigate, you can use this site perfectly well.

Sustainable and eco-designed

Let’s face it: a 100% eco-designed website is a website that you do not create. But if you are present on the Web, you need to consider its environmental impact.

This website has a limited number of pages and no contact form, the aim being to reduce server calls and ultimately environmental impact. There is a strong focus on web performance (see below), that also plays a very important role in eco-design.

An estimated 0.01 g of CO₂ is produced in average for every page view on the website. That’s 69 times less than the average on the Web, according to the Web Almanac.

You can see in detail this automated audit carried out on, where pages obtain an average score of 98/100 in eco-design: audit of my website’s homepage: overall score of 97/100 (in French)


This website is fast. Very fast.

Static website, barely a few lines of JavaScript, AVIF images, CSS inline processed by PurgeCSS, subsetted fonts… Lots of tech slang for a result that speaks for itself. And there’s still room for improvement!

In order to work seamlessly, this website downloads 30 times less data than an average website, according to the Web Almanac.

Particular attention is paid to the industry-recognized Core Web Vitals web performance metrics.

On WebPageTest, if you simulate an old, slow, distant phone (Motorola Moto G4 in the United States, in 4G with 170 ms latency), the website takes just over a second to load. Try it for yourself with any website, you’ll see that a phone that’s just a few years old is really slow!

Take a look at the detailed WebPageTest audit:

WebPageTest audit


All things considered, this website is only the tip of the iceberg of what it might be like to work with me. A focus on the fundamentals of the Web, with a certain attention to detail, even for a small content website.

Shall we get started?